Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sorry folks - it's been a while since we last updated. We've been busy, and much to report - from Stellenbosch wine country and game tours, to the Wild West Coast of South Africa as we've started our route up to Namibia in a camper van. There's been very little internet access, and haven't had a moment to get into an internet cafe, so this is the first chance we've had to update with a quick note. There'll be more added shortly with photos, etc.

Hope all's well - thanks for all of the comments and e-mails - lov'n them!
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  1. ooopss.. have to move a choc. easter egg that the easter bunny has left the kids !!!!

    Just returning (late) from a family easter dinner at Rob and Deb's. It was weird not to have the Wilkinson clan there.

    Sure do miss you and love your updates...keep em' coming !!

    love to everyone of you !! x0x0x0

  2. handsome dudes...we miss you funny sam
    love brooke

  3. that southern african sun makes you all glow...nothing but rain and horrible skiing here...worst april in history..
    miss you all
    dont worry about updates..there's lots time on the other side of camping out with the lions..
    and there is only sooo much time there......
