Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cape Town City Tour

The day began with the boys of the family having a "well-deserved" Saturday morning sleep-in while the girls got out to Camps Bay for breakfast. Along with the fantastic buffet (Camp Travel) across from the beach, we had the chance to meet a friend's potential "au-pair" hire. It was great to have some time to chat with a local and get an impression of how they "see" Canada and Vancouver. Number One on the list was how "beautiful and safe" Vancouver was - this somewhat suprised me, since Camps Bay is equally as stunning and far superior weather, but in the end it was about the safety and the ease of life which put Vancouver in the #1 spot. I must say, thus far, we have not felt threatened in Sa in any way. The locals are kind, courteous and very friendly. South Africans (black and white) are polite, well-spoken and family-oriented, with most people commenting on our large family as a 'blessing'. However, as a good friend commented "be sensible", which is a very wise statement for anyone travelling abroad. We lock our doors, keep valuables in check and limit our night time wanderings, but otherwise life has remained, thus far, relatively the same.

Which brings us to our day.....when everyone was up and about, we strolled to the local beach, where the kids played in the crashing waves of the ocean. We washed off in the beach outdoor showers and changed into street-wear.

Off the beach, we jumped onto a regular City Hop-on, Hop-off tour bus, which headed along the Beaches, past the World Cup Soccer Stadium (Green Point Stadium) to downtown waterfront Cape Town.

Along route we passed some amazing waterfront properties, public beachside waterfront pools, mini-golf, playgrounds and seawalls, joggers, strollers, walkers, families and sunbathers; and for a moment I wondered if I wasn't back home.  To travel 1/2 way around the world and see similar settings is comforting and yet confusing at the same time - could we all be so similar? 

Our downtown destination was the Victoria+Alfred (V+A) Waterfront - a more elaborate version of Vancouver's Granville Island - set on the waterfront with shops, food, entertainment, luxury yacht berth and a working harbour.  As a point of interest, the harbour had Oracles founder's yacht, The Rising Sun - Georgeotwn, CI, moored.  All 450+ of boat, polished to the brass, it was a sight to behold.  A quick search on the internet later, stated it is the second largest private boat in the world - and here in the harbour of Cape Town, while the owner shopped and dined on shore.
Our humble selfs spent time in the locals Market, where we proudly left with some "wares" and Annas hair braided, SA-style.

 We also spent a few hours in the Two Oceans Aquarium, where we were able to see, touch and hear some of the more local sealife.  The 'touch' tanks and the feeding the penguins were big hits for the kids and the aquarium was large, modern and very interesting.

The night ended with nice dinner at Blue Water, Camps Bay where we feasted on seafood and a great bottle of SA wine!  Tomorrow...hopefully Table Mountain - we just need the tablecloth removed (clouds to rise)!