Saturday, April 17, 2010

Apologies - that's the Kavango River, not the Zambezi

I had to correct that before Mr. Gosney did! But then again, the river name is probably of greater interest to the Salvation Army than someone reading a blog from Canada ...

Ciao! J.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Namibia Interrupted

Unfortunately the Zambezi River is at near-record-highs, putting this picnic / braii area under

water, and potentially

altering our travel plans.

More seriously though, the locals are in need of assistance, so local and international aid agencies are present to help (aside: every dollar donated to the Salvation Army is a dollar well spent!).

The Okavanga and Chobe parks in Botswana, southern Zambia have been subject to very high rainfalls over the past couple of weeks, so our plans may have to adapt. Our plan for today is to drive through to the northeast end of the Caprivi Strip and re-assess.

Cheers from Rundu!

-- Posted From My iPhone