Thursday, March 25, 2010

En Route

Well, here we are: Day 1 of what I hope to be a series of ad-hoc blogs, chronicling our ‘WilkinsonSix on Safari’ tour of southern Africa (a self-guided tour through parts of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia if all goes as planned). The hope is that we have adequate, though intermittent, internet access to put together and post these entries as we experience them over the 5 weeks. The objective is primarily to help us recall the trip as a whole, and to assemble a collection of amateur (mediocre really) photos, clips and accompanying text; telling our story from a few different views, including those of the children. David’s already written a few entries in his journal, describing the transportation to Cape Town (which highlighted all the hours of flying), and I hope to transcribe a few other entries and highlights from Sam and Anna. We’re about mid-flight from Amsterdam to Cape Town, flying due south down the African continent, having enjoyed a fantastic view of Geneva, Lac Leman, and the Swiss Alps rising to the east. This leg’s 11 hours in duration, having flown from Vancouver to Seattle then Seattle to Amsterdam last night – or was that this morning ... ?

The children (hereafter referred to as the kids for brevity) have been great company (and physically very close company as it turns out!) so far, with only a few moments of complaints. We found a family lounge in the Amsterdam airport between flights, complete with curtained off circular sleeping pods, dimmed lighting, and soothing music. It’s been a while since I last saw Ben sleeping in a crib, but there he was, improvising – and snoring. David found refuge on a baby change table, literally; Liisa and Sam cuddled together for a snooze on a mattress, and Anna found her second wind, wandering around investigating, watching other families, and asking ‘how much longer’ (hereafter referred to as HML, again for brevity I expect!) until our next flight.

We’ll arrive in Cape Town late on Tuesday, March 23rd, where we’ve arranged for a ride to an apartment in Camps Bay for the week. So, there are the logistics covered for now; but what I really wanted to start with was an acknowledgement to most of those reading this (if you’ve managed to read this far) for the remarkable support, enthusiasm, ideas, and encouragement that we’ve received from all of our friends and family. The 'family' version of support has understandably been equal parts concern and support, while the 'friend' version of support has been a remarkable wealth of pointers, ideas, send-off get-togethers, and best wishes. Thank you all – family and friends – and thanks in particular to Ron and Janet Gosney for their invaluable advice, web links, inspiring slide show, and phone calls as we’ve tried to pull these plans together in relatively short order. We’ve been encouraged to keep this blog, so here we are – no offence taken of course if you flip through to the pictures and clips primarily – life is short, afterall.

Enough for now, and low on batteries, so we’ll catch up soon. Love to all.


  1. So excited to get your first correspondence!! Miss you already and shall look forward to your continued communication. Much love, Deidre

  2. Hey, we made the blog. I am jealous already. I want to hear who hiked Lions Head to the top and who chickened out, like Janet.

  3. Thanks. We are having a great time - finally getting into the travel mode - a little more laid back and enjoying whatever the day brings. Table Mountain/Lions we come!
